Visual Politics: the Representation of Ireland 1750-1930, Fintan Cullen. (Cork University Press) ISBN 185918 023 X

For most people, historical knowledge is constituted by the oral and the visual. The oral tradition transmits a sense of tradition and belonging creating an identity which is buttressed by visual representations which help lodge potent images in the mind. Both oral and visual traditions are essentially backward looking, helping form a link with the … Read more

The Origins of Modern Irish Socialism, Fintan Lane. (Cork University Press, hb £45, pb £16.95 ISBN 1-85918-151-1, 1-85918-152-X

Socialism BC (before Connolly) is an episodic, disconnected subject. It staged a grand entry in the 1820s through such leading co-operators as Robert Owen and William Thompson, shrank to a shadow in the Irish Chartist movement, was re-introduced briefly by Karl Marx himself through the First International, and then found a flickering presence in reflections … Read more

Women’s History Project

The Irish Association for Research in Women’s History was formed in 1988 to encourage research and publications in the field of women’s history. It is currently sponsoring the Women’s History Project. The WHP was set up on 1 September 1997 and is based in the office of the Irish Manuscript Commission in Dublin. The Project … Read more

Reputations: Nineteenth-Century Monuments in Limerick

Monuments were to the nineteenth-century city what corporate identity is to the modern business; they projected an image that spoke of specific character, unity and confidence. Is this just the impression gained in retrospect by the image-conscious late twentieth-century or is this what they were intended to do? Once erected, monuments take on a life … Read more