Ulster-American Heritage Symposium

Papers are invited for the eleventh Ulster-American Heritage Symposium,jointly sponsored by the Ulster-American Folk Park and the Universityof Ulster, to be held at the Ulster-American Folk Park on 8-10 August1996. The symposium will be concerned with all aspects of emigrationfrom Ulster to North America: the religious groups which took part inthe process of migration and … Read more

Jacobitism and the Scottish Enlightenment

1995 marks the 250th anniversary of the ‘45 which also coincides withthe quincentenary of the foundation of the University of Aberdeen.Organised in conjunction with the Thomas Reid institute, the collegeprovided the ideal location for a week-long conference in August onJacobitism and the Scottish Enlightenment. This unique gatheringbrought together many of the foremost authorities in the … Read more

United Irishmen commemorated at Clifton Street cemetery

A plaque commemorating the founding of the United Irishmen was unveiledin Belfast’s Clifton Street cemetery on Saturday 7 October by DouglasGageby, former editor of the Irish Times and Patron of History Ireland,who said that the United Irishmen ‘were above all good people, bravepeople, people with aspirations for harmony among the people of thisisland’. The veil … Read more