November 2

Mon 7pm Irish Labour History Society & Communications Workers’ Union, Norton House, North Circular Road. Communicating the union, Francis Devine. Mon 7.30pm Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 63 Merrion Sq. S. Burials in settlements or settlement in cemeteries? Archaeological evidence for the treatment and role of the dead among the living in early medieval … Read more

October 30

Wed    6.30pm Old Dublin Society, Dublin City Library & Archive, 138–144 Pearse Street. The Brabazons of Dublin and Wicklow, Brian White. Thur    7.30pm Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 63 Merrion Sq. South. Frank Mitchell Memorial Lecture: Mulieres nudae, cardes crusae. Gaelic Ulster, impressions and realities, Katherine Simms.

October 23

Wed 6pm Old Dublin Society, Dublin City Library & Archive, 138–144 Pearse Street. Managing money in early eighteenth-century Ireland: Swift and money, Brendan Twomey.

October 22

Tues 8pm Howth Peninsula Heritage Society, Angling Centre. The history of the Post Office, Stephen Ferguson. Adm. €5.