The Chief Governors: the rise and fall of reform government in Tudor Ireland, 1536-1588

The Chief Governors: the rise and fall of reform government in Tudor Ireland, 1536-1588 Ciaran Brady (Cambridge University Press, £35) Anglicising the government of Ireland: the Irish privy council and the expansion of Tudor rule, 1556-78 Jon Crawford (Irish Academic Press, £37.50) Sixteenth-century Ireland: the incomplete conquest Colm Lennon (Gill & MacMillan, £14.99) Brady’s Chief … Read more

Architecture as evidence

Aficionados of the seventeenth century are alerted to the new OpenUniversity series Princes and Peoples on BBC 2 on Mondays at 12midnight. It will examine buildings in their historical context,including several in Ireland, e.g. Wentworth’s mansion at Jigginstown,the Royal Hospital at Kilmainham, the fort at Kinsale, as well as others in Britain and France. Those … Read more

Researchers turn up Easter Rising papers

British War Office files on the 1916 Rising—which were marked secret for 100 years—have been discovered by researchers examining records on courts martial from both world wars. The files contain personal letters, court notes and details of the execution of rebel leaders, including Connolly and Pearse. Among themis a signed message from Connolly saluting the … Read more

Celtic Dimensions of the British Civil Wars

The University of Strathclyde hosted the second conference of theResearch Centre in Scottish History on 5 April 1995. The organiser,John Young, brought together a new generation of historians engaged inoriginal research to explore the ‘Celtic Dimensions of the BritishCivil Wars’. Although the ‘British problem’ has been the focus of muchdebate in recent years, and engaged … Read more

Soar Valley success

The 12th Annual National Conference on Irish Dimensions in BritishEducation, hosted by the Irish Studies Workshop at Soar ValleyCommunity College, Leicester, took place on 8 April 1995 and lived upto its aim of making quality academic material available to the widestpossible audience in a relaxed but organised format. The Irish diasporahas always figured prominently in … Read more