Father Senan Moynihan

Sir,—GregoryAllen’s article on Carl Hardebeck in the last issue was most welcome,especially at a time when Irish vocal music enjoys such popularity. Therestoration of Hardebeck’s name and contribution should be ofsignificant interest to all contemporary students of the art form. It is ironic, however, that in crediting the editors and friends ofthe Capuchin Annual with … Read more

Forced Landings

Sir,—I have been commissioned to produce a record of the forcedlandings and crashes of belligerent aircraft—British, German andAmerican—which occurred in neutral Ireland during World War II.Official records show 163 incidents, but there appears to have beenover 200, including those aircraft which fell into territorial waters. I am anxious to obtain personal reminiscences of as many … Read more

Wolfe Tone and Leo McCabe

Sir,—In 1938 a book was published entitled Wolfe Tone and the UnitedIrishmen—for or against Christ?, under the name of Leo McCabe. Sometimebefore that another book by the same author was published that dealtwith Henry VIII and the English Reformation. The theme of the 1938 bookwas that Irish separatism from the time of Tone onwards was … Read more