
Hiram Morgan is joint editor of History Ireland; Mary Clancy is a postgraduate history student at Trinity College, Dublin; Frank Foley is a postgraduate history student at St Catherine’s College, Cambridge; Eugene Coyle is a local historian and writer; Brian Hanley is a postgraduate history student at Trinity College, Dublin

Freemasonry and the Orange Order

Sir,—David Rutland (‘Letters’, HI Winter 1998) raises the question ofwhether there is a connection between Freemasonry and Orangeism. Thereis certainly a perception among Roman Catholics in Ireland that such aconnection exists. Both institutions, in fact, deny a connection. InThe Orange Order—An Evangelical Perspective (1993) the Grand Chaplainof the Grand Orange Lodge of Scotland, and the … Read more

A [re]tail to tell

Sir,—I found Bernard Share’s article, ‘In our own image: the brandingof industrial Ireland’ (HI Winter 1998), particularly interesting,having only recently retired from nearly fifty years in Irishretailing. The first thing I did with my new freedom was to write andpublish Retailing in Wexford 1930-1990, which covered similar ground. I believe he is too critical of … Read more

Ireland and the European Reformation

Sir,—With reference to Karl Bottigheimer and Ute Lotz-Heumann’sarticle, ‘Ireland and the European Reformation’ (HI Winter 1998), Ibelieve that Ireland is still unique in resisting the ProtestantReformation in Northern Europe. The people of the two states of Germanyquoted, although they resisted conversion from Lutheranism toCalvinism, had not previously resisted conversion to Lutheranism,therefore the similarity between these … Read more